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  1.The full title of the organisation shall be “THE CONVENTION OF BORDER FANCY CANARY CLUBS”, but it may be referred to as “THE BORDER CONVENTION OF GREAT BRITAIN”.


  2. Membership of the Border Convention shall be open to clubs and/or associations formed for the fostering of the Border Canary.  Any club or association, which incorporates any other variety of canary, must retain a named section, which is solely for the Border Canary, and representation must reflect this at any Convention meeting. Representatives must be from the Border Canary Fancy.


  3. Any specialist Border Fancy Canary Club may apply for affiliation and this application must be heard at the Annual General Meeting of the Border Convention.


  4.In considering any application for affiliation the Convention delegates must have regard to the aims and objectives of the Border Convention, in particular the geographical   location of the applying club, the potential clashing of show dates, numbers of members and potential splits within the fancy. After the approval of such application an annual fee will be paid.  Applying clubs may send delegates to the meeting at which their application is to be heard in order to speak in support of their application.


  5. An annual fee for the next financial year will be paid by affiliated clubs of the Border Convention, such fee to be decided at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.


  6. All correspondence on Border Convention matters to be addressed to the Secretary.


  7. All banking matters to be signed by the Border Convention Treasurer.


  8. Membership of the Border Convention is not open to fanciers as individuals.


  9.The officers of the Border Convention shall consist of: The President,  Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Minute Secretary, Public Relations/Publicity Officer, Hon. Vice-Presidents and Committee. Where possible and practical a practice of one man, one job should be adopted, but any offices may be combined and held by one person if the Annual General Meeting so decides. The Committee may forward mandates in accordance with the rules laid down for clubs.


10.In the event of it becoming necessary to terminate the existence of the Border Convention it shall be the responsibility of the President to carry out the winding  up  proceedings,  but he/she  shall  have  the  authority to  engage such help, professional or otherwise, and/or advice as is required.  The  principles guiding the proceedings shall be that all the assets of the Border Convention shall be liquidated and all the proceeds divided equally between paid up affiliated clubs at the date of the commencement of winding up procedures.


11. Any club affiliated to the Border Convention is deemed to accept the rules and constitution of the Convention.


12.A Convention approved judge must be engaged by all Border Specialist Clubs or any club receiving Border patronage.




1. To foster goodwill between specialist Border Fancy Canary Clubs.  To encourage and co-ordinate their activities to ensure the advancement of this special breed of canary    by encouraging the cultural improvement and honourable exhibition.


2. To establish and maintain a reasonable framework of rules, which shall be adhered to by all affiliated clubs.


3. To safeguard the future of the Border Fancy Canary as a domesticated and exhibition species.


4. To act as an arbitrator between club and club or fancier and fancier when differences or disputes arise that cannot be resolved without the intervention of a third party.


5. To use its influences with show committees to encourage them to provide adequate classes for Border Canaries at their shows.


6. To establish a model of the Ideal Border and a standard of excellence acceptable to affiliated clubs.


7. To eliminate all dishonest or dishonourable practises within the fancy. ..

The Constitution

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