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TIM WARD (President)  


RON SILLITOE (Chairman)  Tel. 07810302802  

32 Carvers Court, Brotton, Saltburn TS12 2XN


TIM WARD (Vice Chairman)

2 Braidway Cottages, Upper Battlefield, Shrewsbury SY4 4 AD


COLIN EGNER, (Secretary/Website Treasurer)   Tel - 01724 783175

 Mill House,  69 North Street, West Butterwick, Scunthorpe. DN17 3JR


Richard Thorley (Ring Scheme Secretary) Tel.077307 94922

12 Park Avenue, Hucknall Notts NG15 6LQ

 SIMON TAMMAM (Journal Editor and Distributor) 

396 Ashley Road, Poole, Dorset. BH14 0AA

Tel 01202 730221


Al Brown (Minutes Secretary)

3 Beverley Close, Crossens, Southport, PR9 8JS






 Jeff Pearse, 190 Banbury Street, Saxon Fields, Longton,  Stoke on Trent,                                          Staffs. ST3 5BP

John Rance. 38 Turker Lane, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 1PZ


Alan Smalley  32 Hazelwood Drive, Huc knall, Notts. NG15 6TW

Adam Pearse 95 Beconsfield Drive, Blurton, Stoke on Trent, Staffs.                                                      ST3 3HH

KeithWadkin 82 Brindley Avenue, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 2EG

Martin Thomas Sunnymeade Enmore Bridgewater Somerset TA52AS  


Al Brown 3 Beverley Close, Crossens, Southport, PR9 8JS

Mick Lowe

Howard Taylor


Past Presidents;   *

Bobby Parker 35 Glenalla Crescent, Doonbank, AYR, KA7 4DA

Colin Egner  69 North Street, West Butterwick, Scunthorpe. DN17 3JR

Malcolm Scott 14, Holburn Lane, Ryton, Tyne & Wear.  NE40 3DF.


George Eltringham Tarbrax. 50 Main road. Ryton.Tyne &Wear. NE40  3AJ.


Brian Martin 13 Marlow Drive, Trench, Telford, Shropshire. TF2 7ED


Jim Aitchison, 3 Victoria Road, Fauldhouse, West Lothian, EH47 9LF


Malcolm Barnett, The Old Vicarage, Sea Dyke Way, Marsh Chapel,

Lincolnshire DN36  5SX


Don Harrison 12 Bromfield Drive, Belle Vue, Srewsbury SY3 7QE


*Past Presidents are entitled to attend committee meetings and may speak and vote on all matters irrespective  of whether they are an elected committee members or not.

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The Border Convention is an umbrella organisation formed by the Border Fancy, for the Border Fancy. The Convention is organised on a day to day basis by an executive body consisting of the Secretary, Treasurer, President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Publicity Office, Minute Secretary and a Committee


Delegates representing every club that are affiliated to the Border Convention are invited to attend an annual general meeting and other such meetings that may be considered necessary. Each delegate is entitled to a vote on any and every matter raised by the meeting, and to voice the opinion of his or her club.


Ronnie Sillitoe- Chairman






Ronnie Sillitoe
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