Club News N - S
North of Scotland
Nottinghamshire Border
The Nottinghamshire Club Show Secretary has extended
the closing date to Tuesday22nd October and will take phone entries.
Notts officials following our 2024 AGM
President A.Holmes
Honorary Vice Presidents A.Smalley J.Willows MBE Mrs K.Moss B.Archer H.Taylor
Vice President M.Lowe
Chairman J.Burton
Vice Chairman R.Collings
General Secretary G.Priest
Treasurer A.Holmes
Show Manager M.Lowe
Show Secretary A.Holmes
2023 Annual Show
We are looking forward to getting back to normal.
Southern Border FCC Show Venue Pratts Bottom,
Saturday 7th October 2023.
Ronnie Sillitoe & John Rance.
Northern Ireland
At the recent A.G.M. of the above
the following officers were appointed
President R Kincaid
Chairman E Grant
Secretary J Patterson
Treasurer C Mc Burney
Show Secretary W Beggs
Asst Show Secretary C Mc Burney
Show Manager J Harvey
Patronage Secretary J Harvey
The date of the annual show is 10th Dec.
The judge will be Jim Mc Kay
Sussex and Kent